The State of Education in East Jerusalem 2020-2021

Ir Amim's annual report on the state of education in East Jerusalem for the 2020-2021 school year.

Summary of Findings


Planned Negligence - How Palestinian Neighborhoods Disappeared from Jerusalem's Current and Future Urban Planning Policies

Read Full Report Here

The discrimination against Palestinian residents of Jerusalem in the realms of planning and building is a well-known fact reflected in the statistics and analyses which have been produced and published extensively in the past.  However, new decisions approved over the past few years will only exacerbate this issue.


From Creeping to Formal Annexation: Israel's Actions Under American Auspices to Actualize "Greater Jerusalem"

Just prior to the formal publication of Trump's Peace Plan, Ir Amim released its latest policy paper - From Creeping to Formal Annexation: Israel’s Actions under American Auspices to Actualize “Greater Jerusalem,” analyzing concrete developments on the ground and their relation to the accumulated information concerning the plan prior to its formal release. With the plan’s official unveiling on January 28, 2020, the resemblance between the plan’s outline and the extensive unilateral moves already being implemented on the ground are even more evident.

UPDATE: Police Raids of Al-Issawiya Continue to Stoke Tensions & Disrupt Daily Life

August 21, 2019

Sustained hostile police incursions into Al-Issawiya have continued now for two and half months, severely disrupting daily life and creating intolerable conditions for area residents. Although the police expressed intent to halt the raids particularly over last week’s holiday of Eid-al Adha, the operations on the ground only intensified, precluding the residents from celebrating their holiday in peace.


State of Education in East Jerusalem: 2019 Report

On June 2, 2019, the State Comptroller published a special report on the topic of Jerusalem, which found that profound gaps continue to persist in the scope and quality of educational (and welfare) services provided to the population of East Jerusalem.